Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Would you like a a brighter smile  without damaging your teeth?

Transform your smile and boost your self-esteem with our high-end teeth whitening treatments. Get ready to smile with confidence and radiate positivity with our professional services.

What is a Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic dental treatment in which a whitening gel is applied to the tooth surface and causes a chemical reaction that whitens the tooth from the inside out.

Teeth whitening can be carried out in the office, at home or through a combined technique at the clinic and at home, which is why it is necessary to carry out an individualized clinical assessment of your dental and periodontal condition for the dentist to decide which technique is best for you.


FLASH In-Office Teeth Whitening

This is carried out in the dental office, with the dentist controlling the application of the whitening gel to the tooth surface only. An LED light is also used to accelerate the chemical reaction of the whitening gel and enhance the result.


Home Whitening Kit

In this technique, personalized mouthgards are made in which the patient places the whitening gel in the comfort of their own home and uses it while sleeping (around 7 to 8 hours a day). In general, this home treatment is carried out over 15 days.


Combined Technique

Generally, our technique of choice is the combined technique in which the patient has a tooth whitening session in the office, followed by the use of whitening gel mouthgards at home. This technique offers greater predictability and long-term stability of results.


Some of Our Results



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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a safe procedure?

As long as it is carried out and monitored by a dentist, teeth whitening is a very safe procedure and does not damage or destroy the enamel of your teeth.

How long does a Teeth Whitening session last?

A Teeth Whitening session lasts around 1 to 1.5 hours. Understand the process of teeth whitening during this hour:

1º. Intraoral photographs are taken, so that there is a reference of the initial tooth color to later be compared with the final tooth color after whitening,

2º. Vaseline is applied to your lips so that they are moisturized and protected throughout the session,

3º. A lip retractor is placed to keep the mucous membranes away so that they don't come into contact with the whitening gel,

4º. A gum protector is applied to isolate the gums around the teeth to prevent them from coming into contact with the gel,

5º. The whitening cycles begin, where the whitening gel is applied to the tooth surfaces for 15 minutes. During this stage, an LED light is always used to enhance the whitening process. The number of cycles to be carried out will depend on a number of factors that should always be assessed by the dentist.

6º. Finally, a desensitizing gel is applied for 10 minutes to reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity after whitening.

How long does Teeth Whitening last?

After the first treatment, it is recommended to refresh with a Home Teeth Whitening treatment every 6 months in order to maintain the stability of the results obtained.

Precautions to take:

Before whitening
Before teeth whitening, you should carry out a clinical assessment of your oral health and check if there are any dental conditions that need to be treated, such as tooth decay. A dental cleaning should also be carried out to remove all existing plaque, tartar and pigmentation. If indicated, it may also be necessary to carry out a desensitizing treatment before whitening.

After whitening
For 48 hours, you should avoid consuming acidic drinks or foods that can pigment your teeth, such as coffee, tea, curry, natural juices, wine, sodas, berries and tomato sauce. Smoking should also be avoided. If you are unable to comply with these instructions, you should brush your teeth after consuming these drinks or foods or rinse with water or an elixir.

Can anyone have teeth whitening?

No, tooth whitening is contraindicated in cases of severe periodontal disease, caries lesions, pregnant or breastfeeding patients and children under 18. It is therefore necessary to first have an evaluation appointment so that we can advise you and clarify all your questions.

Will my fillings and crowns whiten too?

No, the whitening gel only acts on the surface of the teeth and does not influence the color of restored teeth or crowns. For this reason, in order to avoid having different shades between your natural and restored teeth after whitening, a prior evaluation is necessary so that we can discuss the possible replacement of restorations after whitening.

Is it possible to whiten a root canal?

Yes, it is possible to whiten devitalized teeth by placing the whitening gel inside the tooth. However, it is always necessary to assess the viability of this treatment at the evaluation appointment.

Will I feel pain during the treatment?

The procedure is painless, safe and effective if it is carried out with all the precautions mentioned above. If you are a patient with previous sensitivity, it is normal to feel some discomfort in the first few days, but this is only temporary.

Can I whiten my teeth at home with bicarbonate or charcoal?

It is absolutely not recommended to whiten your teeth at home with "natural" products. These products are highly abrasive and damage the tooth structure, which can cause tooth wear, gum recession and tooth sensitivity. Because they are abrasive, they remove surface stains, which causes a false sensation that the tooth has whitened, but the internal color of the tooth remains the same. Therefore, it is always best to ask our team if you could be a candidate for safe teeth whitening carried out by qualified professionals.


As Nossas Unidades

Dados da empresa:

Bisturi Lda
Rua Nações Unidas 47 A
8500-313 Portimão, Portugal

NIPC: 507 781 007

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